2009 m. gegužės 29 d., penktadienis

Add a Social Bookmarking Button to Blogger

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a free Social Bookmarking button to your Blogger (Blogspot) blog. By adding this feature to your website you will enable visitors to your blog to create links to popular social bookmarking sites such as Google, Technorati, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Delicious, Furl, Yahoo etc. Adding personal bookmarks enables visitors to share these links with others thereby helping your attract more traffic to your site. For more information on the benefits of social bookmarking please refer to my article - Benefits of Social Bookmarking for Blogger bloggers.

Add This Share ButtonThis tutorial shows you how to place a social bookmarking button on your site by accessing a free social bookmark and feed button builder service called Add This. Add This will supply you with a simple piece of code which when placed in a widget will insert a button either at the end of each post or in the sidebar. If you wish you can do both as I have done on this site. For those new to blogging don't worry if this sounds complicated as this article gives you step by step instructions suitable for any Blogger user including beginners.

How does an Add This Social Bookmarking Button Work?
The code from Add This places a button on your site which when clicked on by a visitor to your site opens a menu of the most popular social bookmarking services. When a selection is made by a visitor eg Delicious, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, MySpace, Stumble Upon they are given the option to submit your blog to their online bookmarks. Once a visitor submits your blog to a social bookmarking service Add This can provide you with useful analytics about bookmarks, feeds and emails depending on which buttons you enable on your site. This kind of statistical information from Add This will help you gain greater understanding of your site traffic and your most popular posts.

Steps for Adding a Social Bookmarking Button from Add This to Your Blogger Blog

1. Register for a free account with Add This

2. Once you supply a username, email address, password and your website address sign up is pretty much instanteous.

3. After sign up is confirmed click on Get Your Button. This will take you to the Create Your Button Page

4. On the Create Your Button page you will be asked to make some selections about your button.

What kind of Button? Select Sharing/bookmarking button

What Look? Choose any of the six button choices. For this example I am going to select the share button

Where? Select on a blog

Blogger Platform? Select Blogger

At this point the information your have entered should look like the picture below:

Once you have confirmed that you have entered the correct information click on the Get Your Code button and you will be taken to the Get Your Code page.

5. From the Get Your Code page you will be given the option to Preview your button. Do so if you wish or move on to Step 6.

Having generated the code for your Add This Social Bookmarking button you now need to decide where to position it on your blog. You may either place your new Social Bookmarking Button beneath each post (see below) or in a sidebar.

Instructions for Placing a Social Bookmarking Button Beneath Each Post of Your Blogger Blog

Click on Blog Post Button option.

Highlight the Javascript code supplied by Add This

Copy the code to the Clipboard of your computer using Ctrl + C command

In a new window open your Blogger Blog and sign in

Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML

As a precaution Backup your template in case you inadvertently overwrite some code.

Once you have backed up place a tick in the Expand Widget Template checkbox

Use the Ctrl + F command to open the toolbar which will appear at the bottom of your page while using Blogger. You can close this at any time using the Ctrl + F command or by clicking on the blue cross in the lefthand corner.

Now highlight the following line of code and using the Ctrl + C command copy and paste the code into the Search Box on the toolbar at the bottom of Blogger. This action will quickly locate the code for you in your Blogger template. You will be placing the code immediately before this tag.

<div class='post-footer'>

Return to Add This and highlight the Javascript button code supplied. Copy the code to your clipboard using the Ctrl + C command.

Reopen the Blogger window and place the cursor right before the tag that you located earlier.

Paste the Javascript code from Add This into the template using the Ctrl + V command.

Your code placement should look like that pictured below

Click on Save Template

Now click on View Blog from the top menu and navigate to the end of your first post. If all instructions have been followed you will now have a social networking button at the bottom of each post.

Instructions for Placing a Social Bookmarking Button in a Sidebar of Your Blogger Blog

Follow the Add This automated process by clicking on Add the Menu to My Blog button. This will place a button in a widget in your sidebar as you see on this site.

This Blogger tutorial has covered the steps involved in adding a free Add This Social Bookmarking Button to your Blogger (Blogspot) blog. Grow your Blogger (Blogspot) site today by adding a free Add This button which will enable visitors to bookmark your site and share your posts with others. Add This will provide statistical tracking of bookmarking activity on your site and help you determine your most popular posts.


Make Money from Banner Ads on Your Blogger Blog

One of the things that makes Blogger such a great blogging platform is the facility to add advertising to your Blogspot blog and make money from it. In this article I will be discussing how banner advertisements on your Blogger blog can make money for you. By banner advertising I mean advertising in addition to Google Adsense or Adbrite that you may have already added to your Blogger blog. For information on adding Google Adsense to your blog please read my articles on Google Adsense.

Banner advertising is FREE. And Banners Do Make Money.
It is no secret that banners make money provided you choose your merchant program carefully and have enough traffic accessing your site. In my experience once you reach around 100 visitors a day is a good time to add a few banners to your blog.

How Do I Make Money from Banners on My Blogger Blog?
Affiliate marketing banners make money for the publisher - that's you. When you place a banner on your blog the affiliate program gives you a snippet of code to add to your template which makes the banner display and identifies you as the publisher. When a visitor clicks on a banner on your website that click is recorded as originating from your site and you make money as a result of that click. Depending on the merchant program that you have signed up for you can earn a commission for providing a lead, or receive a percentage of the sale.

An Example of How Banners Work
After having placed your banner ad on your Blogger blog your site gets 100 visitors in a day. Out of that 100 people 5 people click on a banner which takes them through to the merchant's website. From those 5 people one person makes a purchase of around $100.00. Assuming your commission is 10% of the sale you have just made yourself $10.00. It's that easy.

Making the Most Out of Advertising Banners
To make money from banner ads you need volume as only a small percentage of your visitors will take any notice of the advertising on your blog and only a much smaller percentage of that pool will actually buy anything once they click. That's why it is really important that you focus your energies on building site traffic. If you need to grow your traffic read my articles on tips to increase traffic to your Blogger blog.

Of course you do need to choose your affiliate banners carefully as obviously some advertising will have more appeal than others. To some extent this is a matter of trial and error as you can never be completely sure how a banner will perform until you try it. You can increase the odds of success however, by choosing merchant programs that are related to your blog in some way. For instance if your blog is about cars then advertisers of car accessories like audio units would be a good place to start.

How Do I Add Affiliate Banners to My Blogger Blog?
Adding affiliate banners to your blog is pretty easy. Pretty much copy and paste stuff which anyone can do. Please read my article providing step by step instructions on how to Add Affiliate Banner Ads to the Blogger Sidebar of your Blogger blog if you are unsure. If you want to place a banner in the header of your blog please refer to Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Header

Disadvantages of Banner Ads
Too many banner ads can give your visitors the impression you are just in it for the money. So make sure you don't go overboard with too much advertising that will overshadow or detract from the content of your blog. Remember less is more so place your banners ads strategically on your blog. I like a small cluster of about 4 banner ads usually 125x125 somewhere fairly close to the top in the sidebar and a 468x60 banner in the header. The header is a prime position for an effective banner advertising campaign. Read more about how to place a banner ad in the header of your Blogger blog in my adding banners to Blogger series of tutorials.

The other main problem with banner ads is that they encourage visitors to leave your site and as we all know one of the hardest jobs is to attract the visitor in the first place. Do you really want them leaving your site before they have had a chance to look around? I don't think so. Only place banner ads on your blog that you are confident will reap you some rewards otherwise forget it. You might actually lose traffic if you provide too many inducements to leave your site.


Bloggers Guide to Google Adsense Myths

Bloggers Guide to Google Adsense Myths

I get a lot of interest in my articles about Google Adsense on Blogger Blogspot blogs. In this article I discuss 6 common myths about Google Adsense that will help you get real about placing Adsense on your Blogger blog.

Google Adsense Myths Every Blogspot Bloggers Needs to Know
There are a number of myths about Google Adsense which can lead new bloggers in particular into believing that they need only slap a few Google Ad units on their blog and they will become instant millionaires. The reality can be a lot different especially when you consider that 95% of all blogs receive less than 100 visitors per day. Adding Google Adsense to your blog can generate some income but there is a need to be realistic. Here are 6 myths about Google Adsense that every blogger needs to know:

Myth 1. Google Adsense is a Get Rich Quick SchemeGoogle Adsense is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme
False. Only a small percentage of bloggers actually make a living from their blog. It is definitely possible to make some money from Google Adsense Ad units but bear in mind that making money from your blog is commensurate with many factors such as types of advertising, placement of advertising, quality of your content, regular posting, number of articles, SEO, backlinks to your site, number of visitors to your blog to name just a few. The more articles you write, the more posts indexed in search engines like Google and Yahoo which may lead to increased traffic but not necessarily. The bottom line is that for your ads to be effective your blog needs to receive traffic so concentrate your efforts in this area and make sure that your blog is worth visiting once your visitors get there.

Do Your Sums
As Google Adsense itself says it is difficult to predict earnings however there are some general pointers to guide you. For instance if your blog receives 100 visits per day your likely revenue from Google is probably about 10 cents per day assuming that 1 in 100 people click on some form of Google advertising on your site and the page CTR is about 0.20%. Over a year that equates to about $36.50. Not a fortune in anyone's book. Likewise if your blog is fortunate enough to receive 1000 visitors per day you are looking at an annual income from Google Adsense of $365.00.

100 Visitors per day = Earnings $36.50 per year

1000 Visitors per day = Earnings $365.00 per year

5000 Visitors per day = Earnings $1825.00 per year

10000 Visitors per day = Earnings $3650.00 per year

The above figures are an optimistic view. I have not allowed for the fact that many of your visitors will be repeats so the likelihood of a repeat visitor clicking on an ad unit is less than for that of a new visitor. On this basis your earnings could be much less.

Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing
About 95% of Bloggers would have less than 100 visitors to their blog a day. If your blog is in this category then Google Adsense alone will not allow you to quit your job and become a full-time blogger. You will need to display other forms of advertising on your blog as well before your blog will start to pay. Check out my article on other forms of advertising that may be suitable for your Blogger blog including displaying Affiliate Marketing banners.

Affiliate marketing banners can work as a form of advertising. Consider that if 1 site visitor in 100 actually buys something worth $50.00 you will immediately earn $5.00 assuming you receive 10% of the sale as a commission. Even if only one in 500 clicks through to the merchant and buys something you will still be ahead of the revenue earned from Google ads for the same number of visitors. $5.00 from Affiliate Marketing versus 50 cents from Google Adsense. In many ways Affiliate Marketing is a more profitable marketing strategy than having heaps of Google ads on your blog. However, in my experience a good mix of both is the way to go

Myth 2. Displaying More Ads on My Blog Will Earn More Money
False. Some bloggers mistakenly believe that placing more Google Adsense units on their blog will yield higher earnings. Sadly this isn't the case at all. By putting more Ad units on your blog you may actually reduce your earnings. There is a risk that the highest performing Ad units will shift to positions that are less frequently clicked on. For instance while the top right hand corner is a prime place for an advertising banner because it gets viewed by the most eyeballs it is also a spot that tends to get disregarded by savvy visitors who recognise it as an advertising zone and avoid it. At the same time a 336x280 Ad unit with a higher CTR is likely to display Google Ad units which pay less because the highest CTR has been transferred to the 468x60 Ad unit.

Myth 3. More Traffic Equates to Higher Google Adsense Earnings
Not necessarily. Depending on your blog's content it might not always be possible to drive a lot of new visitors to your blog and you rely more heavily on your repeat traffic. However, due to the familiarity of the ad placement on your blog repeat visitors are less likely to click on your Ad units than new visitors. While you can expect more clicks on your ad units as traffic increases there is no guarantee that Google Adsense on your blog will deliver the kind of earnings you might expect.

Myth 4. The Ad Format of Google Adsense Ads is Not Important
False. The ad format you display on your blog is very important. You can earn more from some ad formats than others. For instance it is generally considered that the wide Google Adsense ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250) perform best. I like to position one of these directly above my first post.

Link units can be profitable too if strategically placed. One of the best locations for link units is in or just below your blog header as many people are used to looking there for a navigation menu. A 728x15 linked ad unit just below your horizontal navigation menu will very likely yield good results.

Myth 5. Placement of Google Adsense Ad Units Doesn't Matter
On the contrary where you place Google Adsense can be critical to earning revenue from your blog. One of the best places to position Adsense is above what's known as the fold. The fold is the top area of your blog visible to your visitors without them having to scroll down. A 336x280 ad unit in this space works well because on arrival at your blog the visitor sees what they are looking for and clicks on it. For instance if your blog is about mountain biking then Google Adsense will very likely serve up ads about cycling equipment, cycling tours etc. For the visitor seeing exactly what they are interested in on arrival is a definite bonus which may lead them to click on your Ad unit.

Myth 6. To Make Money from My Blog I Need to Add Google Adsense
False. While Google Adsense is by far the most popular Advertising Network it is not the only advertising option. There are some good alternatives like AdBrite and Chitika. Let the type of blog you have govern your decisions around which advertising mix you employ rather than just going for Google Adsense because its the easiest.

In this article I have explored 6 common myths about Google Adsense that every Blogger Blogspot blogger needs to be aware of when placing Google Adsense on their blog. This article will hopefully help you do a reality check and help you recognise that while you may be one of the 5% of bloggers sitting on a goldmine Google Adsense won't transform you into a millionaire overnight.


Common Blogger Mistakes

If you want your Blogger blog to sizzle and really take off there are some pretty important blogging pitfalls that you need to avoid. In today's article I will be talking about 6 of the most common mistakes new bloggers make on their Blogger Blogspot blog and how to avoid them.

1. Avoid Poor Content
I can't emphasize enough that the standard of your content will make or break your blog. Poor content = few return visitors. Good content on the other hand will attract visitors and keep them coming back to check out what's new.

Successful bloggers write clearly, know their subject and develop their own unique voice. A conversational style is often recommended but I suggest just write naturally and that naturalness will shine through.

Post quality well researched content that is interesting and topical. To do this you need to know your audience. Who are your readers? Do you know? If you don't know your target audience it will be hard to put yourself in their shoes which is exactly what you need to be able to do when you sit down to write a post. Ask yourself what are my readers looking for that would make them visit my site and read my post. Are they looking to be entertained, informed or a bit of both? Sign up for visitor tracking such as Google Analytics if you aren't already so you can get an idea of your visitor base. For help with implementing Google Analytics please read my post on adding Google Analytics to your Blogger blog.

2. Avoid Hopeless Headlines
I've seen some pretty hopeless headlines that don't give me enough of a clue about what a post is about to entice me into reading the article. If you want to attract readers to your site you need to grab them. That means putting some thought into crafting headlines that have punch. Remember your headline needs to reel your visitors in so make sure it is well thought out and punchy. Your headlines have to stand out to be noticed as so many people read headlines in RSS feeds.

Another important consideration when deciding on a headline is SEO. Consider what your readers might search under to find your post. "Blogging pitfalls" and "common blogging mistakes" are more likely keyword search phrases than "bad blogging practices." So knowing your keywords will help you craft headlines that are keyword rich.

3. Avoid Posting Too Infrequently
Once a visitor has found your site you want them to keep coming back. One way to ensure repeat traffic is to post frquently. Many new bloggers start a blog but find it hard to maintain a posting routine that is frequent enough to retain traffic.

Just the other day I had someone comment that one of the reasons why they liked my blog was the frequency at which I post. I try to post a new article every second or third day if possible. I usually am working on lots of other articles in the background so that I might have two nearly finished and half a dozen or so at various stages of completion. Using this system I have some flexibility and a cushion if anything comes up to interrupt my posting schedule.

Whatever you do don't make the mistake of posting just for the sake of posting otherwise your readers will see through this and you will lose readership.

4. Lack of Overall Focus - Trying to Paint the Whole Wall
So many new bloggers start their site without a clear focus. What kind of focus you may ask? Well making money is not enough of a focus. I am talking about identifying your niche and sticking to it. If you try and paint the whole wall your visitors will be confused about what your blog is about and you will very likely lose traffic rather than gain it.

Having a focus is important. On Blog Know How for instance, I concentrate on helping webmasters of Blogger blogs get the most out of their blog. I particularly aim my site at the new blogger and provide detailed step by step walkthroughs with them in mind. At the same time, however, I cater for all Blogger webmasters who access my blog. What I don't do though is go outside the theme of Blogger by writing about blogging in general. Instead I write articles that may be general in nature but are tailored to Blogger webmasters.

Yes I could get more traffic perhaps if I widened the scope of my articles to include Wordpress or blogging in general put what would then make my blog stand out from a whole heap of other blogs giving advice on blogging? Having a niche earns me traffic that is focused. Site visitors come with the goal of becoming more informed about using Blogger. If they go away having learnt more than when they arrived my site will have done its job and I may have just found myself a repeat visitor.

5. Avoid Too Much Advertising on Your Blog
New blogs need to build traffic and too much advertising can be a big deterrent in
achieving this goal. When your site is very new it doesn't pay to have too much advertising at all. Err on the side of less advertising rather than more. Bear in mind of course that Rome wasn't built in a day and your site won't be either. Have faith that your traffic will build and you can gradually introduce more advertising like Google Adsense as visitor numbers increase.

6. Avoid Too Many Social Bookmarking Buttons
Too many social bookmarking buttons can clutter up your blog and slow it down. Many people still don't know too much about social bookmarking so avoid the temptation to overuse these icons. Rather than use a whole bunch of popular icons like Digg and Technorati which can lead to a cluttered look and feel I use a single consolidated button like Add This. Share This is another popular button for sharing your posts.

This article has discussed 6 common mistakes new bloggers make when developing a new Blogger Blogspot blog and given suggestions on how to avoid them.as visitor numbers increase.


Motion TV


Motion.TV Shares ad revenue with members. Earnings depend on the popularity of your videos. Minimum payout is $20.


Atom Films


AtomFilms is looking for original short videos, cartoons and web shows. If your work is accepted, you’ll be offered a distribution contract and royalty payments that increase every time your movie is played.




Earn money for uploading and sharing videos. Revver pairs your videos with targeted ads and revenue is shared 50/50. The more views your videos receive, the higher your earnings. Earn 20% for sharing other members’ videos.


Current TV


Current TV accepts pods (non-fiction and satirical shorts about what’s going on in your world), mobile footage of funny or newsworthy moments, documentary shorts and more. Pays a flat rate based on submission type and airing. (see FAQ for details)




Share your original videos and earn $5 per 1000 views. Payment starts after the video has received 20,000 page views with a rating of 3 or higher.




Spymac.com is a media-sharing network that pays for original pictures, short films and audio files. They run daily and monthly jackpots and share revenue among contributors who upload the best content.

The system depends on ratings, total comments, total views and total revenue of each upload to determine who gets a share of the jackpots. Members also receive a share of their referrals’ winnings at the end of the month. Spymac pays by check when a minimum of $25 has been earned.


Blip tv


Submit your original shows to blip.tv, choose a video advertising company, and earn 50% of generated revenue.


2009 m. gegužės 28 d., ketvirtadienis

123 Royalty Free


Sell your photos on 123 Royalty Free and earn 50% of net proceeds from each photo downloaded. Earn 15% of revenue when someone you refer buys credits or subscribes to 123rf. Refer photographers and earn 10% of the price of each of their photo downloaded, as well as a free complimentary credit.


Zoom and Go


Earn points for sharing your photos, videos, hotel reviews and for performing various other tasks (such as booking a hotel through the site). Redeem points for cash and/or prizes.




Trial fotoLibra Members can upload ten images for free, but these can't be changed until they upgrade to a paid membership. Full Members can upload up to 4 GB of images and Platinum Members have unlimited storage. fotoLibra takes 50% commission and pays by check.




Photographers set the price of their photos (based on photographer ranking, chosen license and exclusivity of the image). Commission ranges from 33% to 80%. Free Membership.




Photographers earn 20% of royalties or up to 40% if eligible for exclusivity. To apply and upload photos at iStockphoto, photographers are required to upload a piece of government issued identification. Photographers also have to submit 3 sample images for review. iStockphoto will send a notification of their decision via email. Free Membership.




Break.com accepts original flash games, videos, and pictures. Receive up to $2000 if your video makes it to the frontpage and up to $25 if your picture is placed in a gallery. They pay by PayPal within a week.


Share a Pic


Shareapic.net allows members to share unlimited pictures and earn money. They pay $0.22 per 1000 image impressions or views. Members can also make money from Google ads displayed in their picture galleries. Shareapic.net pays via Paypal within 7 days of request if earnings are over $20.


eSylvan Online Tutoring


“eSylvan provides online tutoring to students in grades 3-9. It’s live real-time instruction provided over the Internet from home. Using a headset, digital pencil, and digital writing pad, as well as their home PC, teachers talk to their students, voice-to-voice, and write on a shared virtual white board space. eSylvan designs a personalized program for each student, complete with lessons from eSylvan’s skills-based, fully-developed curriculum. For our teachers, this means no lesson planning (we’ve already taken care of that) and flexible work hours to fit your busy schedule.

Job Requirements:
-You need to have a current teaching certification. (A previous certification will only be considered if the certification has lapsed, not if the certification was revoked.)
-You should be comfortable using computers, and have a current Windows-based PC.
-Broadband access to the Internet (DSL, cable modem, or ISDN) from your home is required.

Work Hours:
Since we offer sessions throughout the day, working hours are flexible–morning, afternoon, evening, and Saturday hours are available. Teachers work a minimum of 8 hours/week, up to a maximum of 29 hours/week.

You will participate in six hours of paid online training. Our academic development team will prepare you to teach using our technology and our lessons.”


Education To Go


Education To Go (ed2go) provides online courses to a network of over 1,500 colleges, universities, and other training organizations - from the State Universities of New York to the California State University system, and everywhere in between.

ed2go is currently seeking courses in programming, computer applications, allied health, languages, writing, law/criminal justice, workforce development/career skills, small business, business certification, certification prep and continuing education for teachers.

Earnings will depend on the number of courses you teach and how many students enroll every month. Checks are mailed once a month.


ETS Onlien Scoring Network


“ETS (Education Testing Service) employs raters to evaluate essays online for numerous testing programs. Prospective raters are trained to apply scoring criteria and must complete a certification test.

“ETS also needs qualified individuals to evaluate open-ended responses for these paper and pencil programs: Advanced Placement Program (AP), National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTSSM) and Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers Program (PRAXIS).”




At MyTutor24, we are always looking for talented tutors to support students in Grades K-12. You can work from the convenience of your home and part time as well! All you need is broadband Internet access and at a minimum - a Pentium III PC (500 MHz or above.)

Our current requirements are in the following subject areas -Math & Reading; Sciences - Physics, Chemistry, Biology; Reading, Writing and Language Skills; Analytical Skills - Critical Thinking & Reasoning; Test Preparation.

Undergrad degree in subject area applied
Minimum 2 years of teaching/tutoring experience in focus subject areas Strong teaching skills and ability to engage with students
Good familiarity with computers and Internet
Preferred - state/nationally certified teachers, experience with online tutoring


Universal Class


Universal Class is an education company that allows certified teachers, course writers and video/multimedia specialists to earn money for teaching students online, creating coursework and creating video instruction content.

Universal Class requires online teachers to have a four year (BA) college degree accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education, have four to six years work experience (outside of school) in the area of interest being instructed and have excellent use of the English language & excellent writing skills. They also accept online teachers for non-academic courses that require more personal experience & less traditional modes of education.

Hands-on online instructors can expect to earn $9.50 to $20 per hour on a part-time basis depending on their area of expertise. Instruction video producers can earn up to $10 per minute and course writers can earn 4 to 6 cents per word.




“Help a student ace an algebra exam, understand Moby Dick, or finish that tricky chemistry problem right from your home computer. Online tutoring offers a rewarding, challenging and fun work-from-home opportunity.”

“Tutor.com has been creating on demand homework help and tutoring services since 1998. Our tutors have completed over 2 million one-to-one tutoring sessions with students in grades 4-12. We offer a comprehensive training and certification program and ongoing professional development and support for all of our tutors.”

Tutor.com only accepts people currently enrolled in College & college graduates who have strong knowledge in English, math, science, or social studies, specifically for 4th grade through first year college level. Online tutors must currently reside in and be eligible to work in the United States and Canada.

As part of the registration process, applicants will be asked to submit a writing sample and pass a content exam in their subject of expertise. Accepted applicants will have to pass a mock session with a mentor, pass an exam on instructional videos, and pass criminal & education background checks. All training is paid and rates are disclosed after the application has been submitted.


What is AdSense?

What is AdSense?

Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.

Earn mor
e revenue

You can maximize your revenue potential by displaying Google ads on your website. Google puts relevant CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions) ads through the same auction, and lets them compete against one another. The auction takes place instantaneously, and, when it’s over, AdSense automatically displays the text or image ad(s) that will generate the maximum revenue for a page -- and the maximum revenue for you.

Get started in minutes

Becoming an AdSense publisher is simple. All it takes is a single online application. Once you're approved, AdSense takes only minutes to set-up. Just copy and paste a block of HTML and targeted ads start showing up on your website.

Access thousands of advertisers

With Google's extensive advertiser base, we have ads for all categories of businesses-and for practically all types of content, no matter how broad or specialized. And since Google provides the ads, you have no advertiser relationships to maintain.

Google grasps the meaning of your content

AdSense can deliver relevant ads because Google understands the meaning of a web page. We've refined our technology, and it keeps getting smarter all the time. For example, words can have several different meanings, depending on context. Google technology grasps these distinctions, so you get more targeted ads.

Make extra money with a Google search box

Place a Google search box on your site, and you can start monetizing the results from web searches. Not only does this keep your users on your website longer—since they can search from where they are—it takes just minutes to implement. And you pay nothing to participate.

Show only appropriate ads

Google's ad review process ensures that the ads you serve are not only family-friendly, but also comply with our strict editorial guidelines. We combine sensitive language filters, your input, and a team of linguists with good hard common sense to automatically filter out ads that may be inappropriate for your content. What's more, you can block competitive ads and choose your own default ads. It's your show from start to finish.

Competitive Filter
Enables you to filter out specific competitors or specific advertisers

Contextual Filter
Eliminate delivery of ads that would be inappropriate to serve on pages

Editorial Review
All Google ads are reviewed and approved before being served on your pages

Customizable default ads
In the unlikely event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads on your page, we provide the option to display a default ad of your choice:

filters keep out inappropriate and competitive ads.

Customize AdSense for your site

You can customize the appearance of ads, choosing from a wide range of colors and templates. Ditto with your search results page. Your reports are customizable, too. Flexible reporting tools let you group your pages in any way you want so you can view your results by URL, domain, ad type, category and more to learn where your earnings are coming from.

See what Google customers say

“Instead of spending money to hire an additional sales rep to sell ad banners, Google ads have become a virtual sales tool for us. Now we’re able to reap thousands of dollars in additional advertising revenue each month that we would very likely have missed without Google AdSense.”
- Robert Hoskins, Editor and Group Publisher, Broadband Wireless Exchange

“Google shows targeted ads reflecting the sorts of information and services SeatGuru visitors want. For a small business like mine, this is the best approach to advertising. You set it up easily, it automatically serves relevant ads, and it takes very little of my time.”
- Matt Daimler, Founder, SeatGuru.com

“At the beginning I was very concerned that I might lose traffic to competitors. I only used AdSense on a limited number of the site’s pages, and I watched the stats very carefully. If the traffic, pages per visitor, or conversion rates dropped I knew I could easily pull the ads...Since implementing AdSense, our ad revenue has increased more than tenfold, and 100 percent of my available inventory is now sold through AdSense.”
- Vik Kachoria, Entrepreneur, Real Adventure.

By Google.com


About AdSense

This programme for placing ads is one of the simplest ways of making easy money without investing. Of course, “easy money” is a conditional phrase. You always need to put effort to it; however, if the work is interesting and enjoyable it is not tiring. Well, that is essential – doing what you like, and you can’t exactly call it a job, right? Pure leisure:)

So start from a list of your favourite activities. Perhaps you have knowledge in a certain field you can share? Create a website or a blog (blogs are completely free!) where you and others could write. Actively promote your website/blog (find an articles on online marketing “xxxx”) and the profit in the form of money will come before long.

That’s exactly what we did! This blog is a simple example of making easy profit without spending a trifle. Our team knows how to make money using web-browser flows. So we started a blog about it, received huge publicity, connected to the Google's AdSense and now (after 4 weeks since teh blog was created) we earn $1500 a month – and the amount is growing!

AdSense is Google's content-targeted advertising program. This means that you don't select keywords or categories for your ads. Instead, Google's servers determine what your posts are about and display the most relevant ads to your readers. So, if you blog about baseball, there might be ads for Major League Baseball memorabilia next to your post. If you blog about painting, there might be ads for art supplies.

For more information - go to articles in "Google Adsense" section


Exodus 3000


Exodus 3000 is an online strategy game. Members earn Mars Dollars (MD) for performing actions in the game, such as mining volcanos, searching ruins, and attacking other players. At the end of the month, you can exchange your MD for real cash.


Blogger Jobs


Check out Bloggerjobs.biz for regularly posted jobs for bloggers. Recent posts include jobs for a search engine blogger, tennis blogger, home design & architecture blogger, music blogger, Los Angeles entertainment blogger & political blogger.

Also, find advertising jobs, blog design jobs, BlogMedia, Inc. jobs, marketing jobs, media jobs, podcasting jobs, tech jobs, job resources and more.


Gabopia Blog Network


Gabopia Blog Network is hiring bloggers to write about a variety of topics including television, technology, consumer products, celebrities, sports and general interest.

Gabopia pays at least $100 for 30 posts a month, plus a bonus of $1.50 per post afterwards. They also pay a performance incentive of $1.50 per 1000 page views.


Cheez Head


Own a blog about employment-related topics? Join the Cheez Ads Network and get paid to place permanent text links on your blog posts. As a member, you’ll receive emails when offers are available and are under no obligation to accept them.

CheezHead pays an average of $5 to $35 via PayPal (or check, if necessary), typically within 24 hours. Earnings depend on your blog’s link popularity, age, frequency of posting and more.




Join Linkworth.com and earn money for reviewing products and services on your blog. Linkworth partners can also make money by placing text-based advertising on their site(s) including in-content pay-per click ads, in-text ads, hosted content ads &Â multi-URL rotating ad, and earn 70% of revenue. They pay via Direct Deposit, Bank Wire Transfer, PayPal or check on a monthly basis.


Wise Bread


Wise Bread is looking for articles on topics such as savvy shopping tips, frugal living, financial advice, career advice and money-making advice. Writers earn 100% revenue from Google advertising revenue generated from their articles.

Wise Bread is also working on placing other text links and site wide ads on the site, allowing writers to earn a share of revenue based on the amount of traffic their articles bring.


Craft Gossip


“CraftGossip is an independent craft website and provides information about everything new and craft worthy. We are a network of blogs, each of which is managed independently by an editor. Each sub-blog concentrates on a particular craft topic or idea and we are always looking to start new sub-blogs and editors to manage them.”

CraftGossip pays bloggers on a revenue-sharing basis. Visit the site for more information.


Pay Me To Blog About You


PayMeToBlogAboutYou.com is an online marketplace that allows bloggers to earn money for reviewing advertiser products & services and placing links on their blog. PayMeToBlogAboutYou uses a messaging system that allows bloggers and advertisers to negotiate on price and ad placement. They provide a secure way for bloggers to receive payment, which is via PayPal.


The News Room


Join TheNewsRoom and earn money for providing video, audio, text, and image news content on your site or blog. Members earn a share of advertising revenue whenever site readers view or pull up the embeded news.

TheNewsRoom pays $4 per 1000 views for video feeds, $3 per 1000 views for video stories, $1 per 1000 views for text stories and $1 per 1000 views for images. They pay via check once a minimum of $50 has been earned.




Smorty pays you to give your opinion on products, services and websites on your blog. Each blog post must be between 150 to 400 words and include a link to the advertiser.Â

They send an email to your account when ad campaigns are available and you have 72 hours to respond. Smorty accepts multiple blogs but each one must be under its own paid domain name to be approved. They pay weekly by PayPal.


Blog Her Ads


Own a blog for women? Join BlogHer’s Ad Network and get paid for placing ads on your blog. BlogHer accepts blogs that are at least 90 days old and updated 2-3 times a week.

You determine the size of the ads you’d like to run and earn money based on the number impressions or page views of your blog. BlogHer also helps bloggers increase traffic and visibility by promoting their blogs across the network.


WireTap Magazine


WireTap Magazine is a magazine dedicated to publishing journalism by, for and about young people. They accept articles from all generations but mostly from youth and young adults, ages 16 to 28.

Submitted stories should discuss issues important to young people today such as youth activism, war and peace, civil and human rights, race, immigration, education, environment, culture, sex and relationships, media and more.

WireTap publishes news reports, features, investigative stories, personal voices, op-eds, reviews and interviews. Stories should be between 800 and 1,800 words and pay is between $50 to $200.


2009 m. gegužės 27 d., trečiadienis



ePIFfunny pays $10 for funny epiphanies. If your submission is chosen as an “ePIFfunny of the Week”, you will also get a free copy of a previously published ePIFfunnies book. If your submission is published in a future ePIFfunnies book, you will receive a free copy of the book.

An ePIFfunny must be funny, clever or insightful, original and based on actual experience. It should be significant, inoffensive and help the reader gain an epiphany.